Drug Design Laboratory
News > Software projects > Other projects > WarpGate


Encrypted tunnelling service for secure TCP/IP connections

WarpGate is a TCP/IP tunnelling service implementing a strong 256 bit encryption to create super secure Internet connections. It works with Linux and Windows and it can run as a normal application or as service/daemon. WarpGate is useful to create FTP, HTTP and TELNET encrypted connections in easy and transparent way.

WarpGate schematics

WarpGate schematics: the client and the server receive and transmit unecrypted data locally only. The data exchanged across the public TCP/IP network is 256 bit encrypted.

Click on the link below to start the WarpGate download.

WarpGate 1.1.1 Package

Included in the WarpGate package:

  • Linux versions (x86 32 bit and AMD64 64 bit).
  • Windows versions (x86 32 bit and x64 64 bit).
  • The utility to generate encryption keys is included.
  • HTML manual.
  • For security reasons, the source code is not available.