5. Template files

The template files are used by GriDock to prepare the AutoDock 4 input files. They are placed in the ...\VEGA ZZ\Data\Autodock directory (or .../vega/Data/Autodock directory for the Linux version) and have the .dpf file extension. The template file can be selected by -t option.
The template files are standard AutoDock 4 files in which special tags are present that are substituted by GriDock with parameters that are specific for each molecule to screen as shown in the following table:

Tag name Description
%ATOMTYPES% AMBER atom types of the ligand. Each type is separated by a space.
%CENTGEO% Ligand center (format: X Y Z).
%DESOLVMAPFILE% Desolvation map (e.g. RECEPTOR.d.map).
%ELECMAPFILE% Electrostatic map (e.g. RECEPTOR.e.map).
%FLDFILE% Grid data file (e.g. RECEPTOR.maps.fld).
%LIGAND% Ligand file name with full path.
%MAPS% List of the maps with the following format:


%TORFLEXNUM% Number of the flexible torsions.

Each tag can be repeated more than one time in the template file.


5.1 Template file example

This is a GriDock template example for virtual screening:

# *****************************************
# **** GriDock template for AutoDock 4 ****
# *****************************************
# Default input file for virtual screening
outlev 1                             # diagnostic output level
intelec                              # calculate internal electrostatics
seed pid time                        # seeds for random generator
ligand_types %ATOMTYPES%             # atoms types in ligand
fld %FLDFILE%                        # grid_data_file
elecmap %ELECMAPFILE%                # electrostatics map
desolvmap %DESOLVMAPFILE%            # desolvation map
move %LIGAND%                        # small molecule
about %CENTGEO%                      # small molecule center
tran0 random                         # initial coordinates/A or random
quat0 random                         # initial quaternion
ndihe %TORFLEXNUM%                   # number of active torsions
dihe0 random                         # initial dihedrals (relative) or random
tstep 2.0                            # translation step/A
qstep 50.0                           # quaternion step/deg
dstep 50.0                           # torsion step/deg
torsdof %TORFLEXNUM% 0.274000        # torsional degrees of freedom and coefficient
rmstol 2.0                           # cluster_tolerance/A
extnrg 1000.0                        # external grid energy
e0max 0.0 10000                      # max initial energy; max number of retries
ga_pop_size 150                      # number of individuals in population
ga_num_evals 100000                  # maximum number of energy evaluations (2500000, 50000)
ga_num_generations 27000             # maximum number of generations
ga_elitism 1                         # number of top individuals to survive to next generation
ga_mutation_rate 0.02                # rate of gene mutation
ga_crossover_rate 0.8                # rate of crossover
ga_window_size 10                    # 
ga_cauchy_alpha 0.0                  # Alpha parameter of Cauchy distribution
ga_cauchy_beta 1.0                   # Beta parameter Cauchy distribution
set_ga                               # set the above parameters for GA or LGA
sw_max_its 300                       # iterations of Solis & Wets local search
sw_max_succ 4                        # consecutive successes before changing rho
sw_max_fail 4                        # consecutive failures before changing rho
sw_rho 1.0                           # size of local search space to sample
sw_lb_rho 0.01                       # lower bound on rho
ls_search_freq 0.06                  # probability of performing local search on individual
set_sw1                              # set the above Solis & Wets parameters
compute_unbound_extended             # compute extended ligand energy
ga_run 10                            # do this many hybrid GA-LS runs (10)
analysis                             # perform a ranked cluster analysis