APPENDIX D - Gradient Format
The file Data\glgrad is a text file in which the gradient presets are stored. If you want add new presets, you can modify this file. Each record is defined by a keyword with the # at the beginning, written in upper or lower case. The first line must be the file identification header:
#ColorGradients <Version>
At this time, <Version> must be 1.0. Each preset gradient start with the keyword:
#GRADIENT <GradientName>
<GradientName> is the preset name that must be between two quotation marks ("). The gradient is defined by set of color nodes (from 2 to 6) that must be specified one for each line in RGB format. Each color component must be in 0 to 255 range:
0 0 255
The #END keyword indicates the end of the gradient definition.
Gradient file example:
#ColorGradients 1.0
; ************************************** ; **** VEGA Gradients 1.0 **** ; **** Color gradients for surfaces **** ; **************************************
; The colors are in RGB format and each component ; must be in the 0 to 255 range
#GRADIENT "MEP & MLP" 255 0 0 0 0 255 #END
#GRADIENT "Gray scale" 0 0 0 255 255 255 #END
#GRADIENT "White -> Red" 255 255 255 255 0 0 #END
#GRADIENT "White -> Blue" 255 255 255 0 0 255 #END
#GRADIENT "Yellow -> Red" 255 255 0 255 0 0 #END