APPENDIX D - PDB Fat File Format 1.1

The PDB Fat (PDBF) file format is a custom version of the standard PDB that was created to include extra information, normally not allowed, keeping the compatibility with the Brookhaven National Library specifications. A sequence of REMARK records (one for each atom) was added at the beginning of file. The REMARK type is the user defined REMARK 77 (see PDB specifications) followed by the EXTRA keyword. This rule was introduced recognize the custom records from standard REMARKs. In each REMARK record are included the following information: atom number, element, atom type (according to force field) and the atomic partial charge:

         1         2         3         4

NNNNN    <- Atom number (C: %5d, Fortran: i5)
EE       <- Element (C: %-2.2s, Fortran: a2)
FFFFFFFF <- Atom type (C: %-8.8s, Fortran: a8)
CC.CCCC  <- Atom charge (C: %7.4f, Fortran: f7.4)

Starting from 1.1 specifications, introduced in VEGA 1.5.0, the atom type format is changed in order to support atom types with more than four characters (the limit is now eight characters).  The old 1.0 specifications are supported by VEGA in read mode for backward compatibility.


Benzene ring with CVFF atom types and Gasteiger atom charges.

REMARK   4 File converted by VEGA V1.1
REMARK  77 EXTRA     1 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     2 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     3 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     4 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     5 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     6 C  cp    -0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     7 H  h      0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     8 H  h      0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA     9 H  h      0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA    10 H  h      0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA    11 H  h      0.0618
REMARK  77 EXTRA    12 H  h      0.0618
ATOM      1  C1  BEN     1       0.695   1.203   0.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM      2  C2  BEN     1      -0.695   1.203  -0.002  1.00  0.00
ATOM      3  C3  BEN     1      -1.389   0.000  -0.006  1.00  0.00
ATOM      4  C4  BEN     1      -0.695  -1.203  -0.007  1.00  0.00
ATOM      5  C5  BEN     1       0.695  -1.203  -0.006  1.00  0.00
ATOM      6  C6  BEN     1       1.389   0.000  -0.002  1.00  0.00
ATOM      7  H7  BEN     1       1.235   2.139   0.003  1.00  0.00
ATOM      8  H8  BEN     1      -1.235   2.139  -0.001  1.00  0.00
ATOM      9  H9  BEN     1      -2.470   0.000  -0.007  1.00  0.00
ATOM     10  H10 BEN     1      -1.235  -2.139  -0.010  1.00  0.00
ATOM     11  H11 BEN     1       1.235  -2.139  -0.007  1.00  0.00
ATOM     12  H12 BEN     1       2.470   0.000  -0.001  1.00  0.00
TER      13      BEN     1
CONECT    1    2    6    7
CONECT    2    1    3    8
CONECT    3    2    4    9
CONECT    4    3    5   10
CONECT    5    4    6   11
CONECT    6    1    5   12
CONECT    7    1
CONECT    8    2
CONECT    9    3
CONECT   10    4
CONECT   11    5
CONECT   12    6
MASTER       15    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   12    1   12    0