APPENDIX G - Error codes
This is the list of the error codes that can be reported by VEGA and VEGA ZZ
Error code | Description |
11 | Abort |
12 | LocaleLib error |
13 | No command |
44 | Out of memory |
45 | Java not installed |
51 | Bzip2 error |
52 | Can't pack the file |
53 | DOS I/O error |
54 | Gzip error |
55 | Stdout not allowed |
56 | No stdout with packed output |
57 | PowerPacker error |
58 | PowerPacker comp. AmigaOS only |
59 | PowerPacker.library not found |
60 | File too short |
61 | Unknown compressor |
62 | Set the environment variable |
63 | xPK error |
64 | Z32 error |
65 | Can't download the file |
66 | Can't initialize the HTTP client |
67 | Can't parse the URL |
101 | Unknown command |
102 | Too many arguments |
103 | Too few arguments |
104 | Illegal type of argument |
105 | Value exceed the legal range |
106 | Unknown keyword in argument |
201 | Command not already implemented |
202 | Command for OpenGL only |
203 | No molecule |
204 | No surface present |
205 | No trajectory |
Command line
301 | Total number of atoms exceeded |
302 | Duplicate description |
303 | Illegal atom number |
304 | Illegal number of atoms in measure |
305 | Incorrect atom description |
306 | It don't match the input file |
307 | Description with multiple match |
308 | Too few atoms to measure |
309 | Atom description too long |
310 | Unknown measure mode |
311 | Invalid frame number |
312 | First frame exceeds the total |
313 | Last frame exceeds the total |
314 | Missing first frame |
315 | Invalid range of frames |
316 | Invalid number of CPUs |
317 | -m option and trajectory format can't be used at the same time |
318 | Unknown keyword for InfoXML file format |
319 | Unknown keyword for C-term capping |
320 | Unknown keyword for N-term capping |
Load and save operations
401 | Biosym subformat not supported |
402 | Field type not specified |
403 | Sybyl rgn file not loaded |
404 | Unacceptable bond order |
405 | Unknown VDW radius |
406 | No associated molecule file |
407 | Type of measure not specified |
408 | CSSR/QMC format: there are more than 9999 atoms |
409 | Input file isn't protein or DNA |
410 | Corrupted IFF file |
411 | Invalid IFF file |
412 | Not an IFF XXXX file |
413 | Corrupted or incoplete Mol2 |
414 | Can't find TRIPOS template |
415 | Illegal TRIPOS template |
416 | The file isn't in MSF format |
417 | The MSF file isn't compatible |
418 | Faulty atom |
419 | Bad cartesian to internal conv. |
420 | The format don't support charge |
421 | The format don't support ff tag |
422 | Input file not found |
423 | Corrupted rgn file |
424 | Region file without a molecule |
425 | Illegal number of steps in rgn |
426 | Illegal number of points in rgn |
427 | Illegal step size in rgn file |
428 | Unknown input format |
429 | Unknown output format |
430 | No molecule loaded |
431 | Unable to read the IFF file |
432 | Unable to write the IFF file |
433 | Unknown mol type to add hydrog. |
434 | Nothin to calculate |
435 | Unknown remove hydrogen method |
436 | Unknown torsion method |
437 | Unknown database extr. mode |
438 | Invalid record number |
439 | Record not found |
440 | Too many databases |
441 | Invalid SQL code |
442 | Unsupported 2D file format |
443 | Unable to open the molecule beacuse the workspace is locked |
444 | Spillo missing ligand |
455 | Merge not allowed |
456 | Incompatible molecules |
461 | With a trajectory only |
462 | Point out of range |
471 | Can't open shell file |
472 | Nothing to add |
473 | Molecule exceeds the shell dim. |
Trajectory analysis
481 | Incorrect selection |
482 | Unassigned atomic charges |
483 | Unknown trajectory file |
484 | Unsupported output |
485 | No molecule loaded |
486 | Energy graph can't be showed |
487 | Output file not specified |
488 | Surface not permitted |
489 | Trajectory not permitted |
490 | Incompatible molecules |
491 | Same trajectory file |
492 | Invalid handle |
493 | The number of atoms doesn't match the trajectory. |
494 | Corrupted AutoDock output. |
501 | Atomic charges not assigned |
502 | Atom name too long in temp. |
503 | Missing atom name in temp. |
504 | Invalid number of bonds in temp. |
505 | Missing number of bonds in temp. |
506 | A macro/residue can't call its. |
507 | Unable to delete atom in temp. |
508 | #Description duplicated in temp. |
509 | Decription too long in temp. |
510 | Unknown format of charge temp. |
511 | Invalid group ID in temp. |
512 | Missing group ID in temp. |
513 | Duplicated ID in temp. |
514 | ID too long in temp. |
515 | Missing ID in temp. |
516 | Non-unique ID in temp. |
517 | Unknown ID in temp. |
518 | #ResName expected in temp. |
519 | Residue name too long in temp. |
520 | Missing residue name in temp. |
Force field
550 | Atom type too long |
551 | Can't assign potential |
552 | Illegal number of arguments |
553 | Incorrect atom description |
554 | Incorrect subatom description |
555 | Template file not found |
556 | Template not in standard format |
557 | Sublevel overflow |
558 | Unbalenced parenthesis |
559 | Illegal aromaticity |
560 | Illegal bond order |
561 | Illegal ring size |
562 | Invalid element |
563 | Invalid operator |
564 | Multiple operators |
565 | Operator required |
566 | Invalid SMARTS file |
567 | Invalid SMARTS string |
601 | Force field not assigned |
602 | Non-bond parameters not found |
603 | Can't open template |
604 | More than one residue is needed |
605 | Residue not found |
606 | Unknown atom type |
607 | Not all atoms are parametrized |
608 | Parameters not found |
609 | Unrecognized parameter file |
610 | No Virtual logP calculation |
611 | A water cluster required |
612 | Too many cell copies |
Command line options
701 | Can't find the charge template |
702 | Unknown color |
703 | Missing input file name |
704 | Argument must be unsigned float |
705 | Illegal dielectric constant |
706 | Illegal probe radius |
707 | Illegal residue name |
708 | Illegal SAS density |
709 | Illegal solvatation radius |
710 | Illegal starting residue |
711 | Argument must be an unsigned int |
712 | Invalid port number |
713 | VEGA OpenGL already running |
714 | Invalid surface number |
715 | Missing sub-argument |
716 | Unknown option |
717 | Unknown shape type |
718 | Shell file not found |
719 | Unsupported charge template |
720 | Option available only in Win32 |
721 | Calculation already running |
722 | Unknown bond fix method |
723 | Invalid molecule ID |
724 | Invalid segment ID |
801 | Unable to save the buffer |
Secondary structure
811 | The molecule isn't a protein |
812 | No valid torsions |
813 | Invalid torsion name |
OpenGL initialization
1001 | Can't activate the GL context |
1002 | Can't create GL device context |
1003 | Can't create GL rend. context |
1004 | OpenGL initialization failed |
1005 | Can't find suitable pixelformat |
1006 | Can't set the pixel format |
1007 | Failed to register window class |
1008 | Window creation error |
1009 | Can't allocate the pixel buffer |
1010 | Unable to load the extension |
1011 | OpenGL extensions not supported |
1012 | No pixel format ARB |
1013 | Pixel buffer not available |
1014 | Unknown problem |
OpenGL generic
1101 | Unknown color |
1102 | DevIL error |
1103 | Fmod error |
1104 | Can't execute |
1105 | Can't open help file |
1106 | Demo files not installed |
1107 | Gl2Vrml error |
1201 | Can't find Mopac executable |
1202 | Abnormal termination |
1203 | Too many atoms |
1301 | Missing argument |
1302 | Missing BEGIN command |
1303 | The value must be lower than 1 |
1304 | Command duplicated |
1305 | Invalid selection of frames |
1306 | Missing selection of frames |
1307 | Field already closed in macro |
1308 | Field required |
1309 | Field not closed in macro |
1310 | Field not opened in macro |
1311 | Field already opened in macro |
1312 | Missing command |
1313 | Unknown module |
1314 | Null string not allowed |
1315 | Boolean value required |
1316 | Float number required |
1317 | Illegal number of frames (> 1) |
1318 | The value can't be zero |
1319 | Integer number required |
1320 | Positive integer required |
1321 | The rotation ranges must be + |
1322 | The input file exceeds 65535 l. |
1323 | The trans. ranges must be + |
1324 | Unknown command |
1325 | Unknown extraction mode |
1326 | Unknown optimization method |
1327 | Unterminated string |
1328 | Can't find BioDock executable |
1329 | Can't open BioDock input file |
1330 | Unrecognized BioDock output |
1331 | BioDock output corrupted |
OpenGL measure
1401 | Multiple selection |
1402 | Atom not found |
OpenGL selection
1501 | The selection doesn't match |
1502 | Illegal number of arguments |
1503 | Unknown tag |
OpenGL SkyBox |
1511 | The texture aspect ratio must be 2:1 |
1512 | The pixel format of the image must be RGB |
1513 | Can't buid the face bitmaps |
1514 | Can't initialize the context to process the textures |
ESCHER Next Generation
1601 | Corrupted ESCHER file |
1602 | Illegal number of solutions |
1603 | Unknown format |
1611 | Invalid number of poses in GRAMM output |
1612 | Invalid atom range of GRAMM ligand |
1613 | Atom selection of the GRAMM ligand not found |
Graph Editor
1701 | Illegal GraphEd ID |
1702 | No GraphEd window opened |
1703 | No data in plot |
1704 | Point out of range |
1705 | Exel export |
1706 | Excel too many records |
1707 | OLE initialization |
Database engine
1801 | Can't create the database |
1802 | Invalid database handle |
1803 | Unable to get the molecule |
1804 | Unable to read the molecule catalogue |
1805 | Database already opened |
1806 | Unable to put the molecule |
1807 | Unable to remove the molecule |
1808 | Unable to rename the molecule |
1809 | The database doesn't support SQL commands |
1810 | Unknown database format |
1811 | Unable to update the molecule |
1812 | The zip32.dll can't be initialized |
1813 | Unknown format of .dat file |
1814 | Unable to connect to ODBC database |
1815 | Unable to allocate the ODBC handle |
1816 | Unable to check the ODBC version |
1817 | Unable to open the SQLite database |
1818 | Unable to set the SQLite parameters |
1819 | Unable to attach SQLite structure database |
1820 | Missing control data in SQLite database |
1821 | Unable to open the Zip archive |
1822 | Unable to update the data |
1823 | Can't add the column |
1824 | Can't update the columns |
1825 | The number of lines don't match the number of molecules in the database |
1826 | Incompatible number of columns |
1827 | Unsupported data type |
1828 | Incompatible data type |
1829 | Nothing to paste |
1830 | Can't delete the column |
1831 | Can't rename the column |
Database reports
1851 | Unable to find the report header |
1852 | Unable to load the report template |
1853 | Missing end of section |
1854 | Token error |
1855 | Unable to find the report tail |
Energy engine
1901 | Unknown parameter key |
2001 | Ammp communication lost |
2002 | Unable to connect to host |
2003 | Unable to send data to Ammp |
2004 | Can't find the Ammp executable |
2005 | Host already in use |
2006 | No free host available |
2007 | Unable to send the molecule |
2008 | Unable to initialize pipe |
2009 | Can't load the SP4 parameters |
2010 | Can't assign the force field |
2011 | Can't open the force field |
2012 | One or more atoms have an undefined atom type |
2101 | Parsing aborted |
2102 | Parsing error |
2103 | Unable to create the parser |
2104 | Unable to allocate the stack |
2111 | InChI library internal error |
2112 | InChI library error |
2121 | Cano library error |
2131 | Dingo library error |
2141 | Invalid IUPAC name |
2142 | OPSIN not installed |
2143 | Can't run OPSIN |
2201 | Unable to read the remote coordinates |
2202 | Ascertain relative endianness of remote host |
2203 | Unable to read the energies |
2204 | NAMD input load error |
2205 | Unable to create mutex |
2206 | fullElectFrequency isn't stepspercycle factor |
2207 | NAMD not installed |
2208 | pailistdist < cutoff |
2209 | Unable to open the parameter file |
2210 | PMEGridSizeX must be factor of 2, 3, 5 |
2211 | PMEGridSizeY must be factor of 2, 3, 5 |
2212 | PMEGridSizeZ must be factor of 2, 3, 5 |
2213 | Unable to read indices and forces |
2214 | Unable to send indices and forces |
2215 | switchdist < cutoff |
2216 | Unable to find a free TCP/IP port |
Isotopic distribution
2301 | Invalid element in formula |
2302 | Invalid formula |
2303 | Invalid character in formula |
2304 | Invalid index in formula |
2305 | The table of isotopes is empty |
2306 | The table of isotopes with an invalid mass |
2307 | File of isotopes not found |
2308 | File of isotopes in unknown format |
Interaction energy (score)
2401 | Score function not selected |
2402 | Unknown interaction energy type |
2403 | Invalid ligand number |
2404 | Unable to assign the parameters |
2405 | At least two molecules are required |
2406 | Can't assign the potential |
2501 | Parameters not available for the specified potential |
Windows errors
3001 | Windows error |
3002 | Can't get the function address |
3003 | Can't open the DLL |
3004 | Windows MCI error |
3101 | Add frame error |
3102 | Create AVI file error |
3103 | Compression settings |
3104 | Incompatible width |
3105 | Incompatible height |
3201 | VglBeginGroup expected |
3202 | Invalid group ID |
3203 | Matrix stack out of bounds |
3204 | Primitive already initialized |
3205 | Too many groups |
3301 | Can't create a new uno level |
3302 | Internal error |
3501 | Update already running. |
3502 | Internet connection not available |
3503 | Corrupted update file |
3504 | Corrupted package list |
3505 | Unable to download update data |
3506 | Unable to create the download directory |
3507 | Unable to download the update file |
3508 | Run.exe not found |
3509 | Unable to save the update script |
3510 | Unable to start the update script |
3511 | Invalid update URL |
3512 | Missing update URL in configuration file |
OpenVR |
3601 | Unable to initialize the OpenVR context. |
DNA build |
3701 | Invalid DNA/RNA sequence |
8001 | License expired |
8002 | Invalid CRC |
8003 | Invalid host |
8004 | Invalid signature |
8005 | Invalid chunk size |
8006 | Not in requested file format |
8007 | Invalid file size |
8008 | Invalid encryption |
8009 | Not in IFF file format |
8010 | Unable to read the license |
8011 | Unknown license error |
8012 | Live license |
9000 | Unknown error |