5 Default settings (prefs file)
VEGA (command line) starts reading the preference file in order to set the default parameters. This file is placed in Data directory, it's named prefs and it's in ASCII format editable as a normal text file. Each entry has a keyword with one or more parameters. A semicolon (;) placed in the first column indicates that the line is a remark. Please remember that VEGA doesn't print any warning about incorrect parameters or syntax errors in the prefs file. VEGA ZZ doesn't use this method to set the default parameters. In the following table are shown all available keywords:
Keyword | Description |
ENERGY_CONTDIST | Distance used to determine if the ligand is in
contact with a receptor residue (see
-f [FORMAT] option). e.g. ENERGY_CONTDIST 2.5 |
Cut-off distance to
speed-up the interaction energy evaluation (see
-f [FORMAT] option). |
Dielectric constant
value (see
-f [FORMAT] option). |
Filter for energy
decomposition by residue (see
-f [FORMAT] option). |
LANGUAGE | Default language (see
language localization page): |
MAXATMINFO | It's the maximum atom
number that the info file format (see
-f [FORMAT] option)
can manage for the calculation of extra information. This number is in function of your
CPU power. |
Charge attribution with
Mopac keyword CHARGE. It can be set to AUTO (the total charge is calculated by
atomic charges) or to a positive or negative integer value. |
Mopac default keywords
(see -k[KEYWORDS] option). |
MMOK is a Mopac keyword
needed to introduce a correction factor when in a molecule there are peptidic
bonds. The argument can be: |
Set the OpenCL device type. The argument can be: NONE (acceleration disabled), AUTO (automatic detection), DEFAULT (default device), Accelerator (generic accelerator), CPU (generic CPU with SSE3 support) and GPU (Graphic Processing Unit). |
Output format. |
Starting residue for
renumbering (see -a [RESNUM]
option). |
Default point
density for molecular surface calculations (see
). |
Default probe
radius for calculation of the molecular surface accessible to solvent (see
-f [FORMAT] option). |
Box length /Sphere
radius / Layer thickness (see -h[SHELL RAD
SHAPE] ). |
Shape type (BOX,
VOL_DENSITY | Dot density for volume calculations (see -m[KEYWORDS] and -f info ). e.g. VOL_DENSITY 10 |
XTCPREC | Number of digits after the point (from 1 to 8)
used for the compression of XTC trajectories. e.g. XTCPREC 3 |
For more information about prefs file, see the APPENDIX B.