12.5 ESCHER NG - Docking system
12.5.1 Introduction
This plug-in interfaces VEGA ZZ to ESCHER NG in order to performs protein - protein and DNA - protein docking calculations.
12.5.2 The plug-in
This plug-in provides a window-based user interface to ESCHER NG, the docking software originally developed by Gabriele Ausiello, Gianni Cesareni and Manuela Helmer Citterich. For an exhaustive introduction to the usage of the ESCHER NG software, please see its documentation. To open the plug-in window, you must select Tools Escher NG in main menu:
You must specify at least the target and
the probe PDB files that can be prepared by VEGA ZZ removing the
hydrogens. They must be placed in the same directory. Clicking Run button, the calculation starts in background
and Escher NG continues to run even if VEGA ZZ will be closed. Default button sets all parameters to
the default values. For more information about the meaning of the other fields,
consult the ESCHER NG documentation.
Selecting About Escher NG in Help menu, you can show the copyright