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1. Introduction

The Score service allows to calculate some different docking scores of ligand-receptor complex that can be submitted as a whole file containing both interaction partners or as two separated files. The calculation phase is provided by VEGA and consists in the evaluation of the following scores/energies:

Scoring function Description
MLPInS Hydrophobic interaction calculated using the Broto's and Moreau's atomic constants*.
MLPInS2 Hydrophobic interaction in which the distance between interacting atom pairs is considered as square value*.
MLPInS3 Hydrophobic interaction in which the distance between interacting atom pairs is considered as cube value*.
MLPInSF Hydrophobic interaction in which the distance is evaluated by the Fermi's equation*.
CHARMM R6-R12 R6-R12 non-bond interaction evaluated by CHARMM 22 force field provided by Accelrys.
CHARMM 22 R6-R12 R6-R12 non-bond interaction evaluated by CHARMM 22 force field.
CHARMM 36 R6-R12 R6-R12 non-bond interaction evaluated by CHARMM 36 force field.
CVFF R6-R12 R6-R12 non-bond interaction evaluated by CVFF force field.
Electrostatic Electrostatic interaction.
Electrostatic distance dependent Distance-dependent electrostatic interaction.

* From Vitoli G. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. 18 (2010) 320-19.

"The MLP Interaction Score (MLPInS) is computed using the atomic fragmental system proposed by Broto and Moreau and a distance function that define how the score decrease with increasing distance between interacting atoms. In detail, the equation to compute such an interaction score is reported below:

where fa and fb denote the lipophilicity increments for a pair of atoms and rab  is the distance between them. The first sum (p) concerns all ligand’s atoms and the second (m) all enzyme’s atoms. The basic assumption in the calculation of the MLPInS, which encodes the contributions of the various intermolecular forces measured experimentally in partition coefficients, is that the score is favourable (i.e. negative) when both increments have the same sign (as denoted by the negative sign in in the equation), or unfavorable (repulsive forces) when the score has a positive sign. When the atomic parameters are both positive, MLPInS encodes hydrophobic interactions and dispersion forces, the importance of which is well recognized in docking simulations, and it accounts for polar interactions, in particular H-bonds and electrostatic forces when the atom ic parameters are both negative".

This service allows to download the results as XML file that contains the energy contributions of each atom and residue.


2. How it works

The molecule/s sent by the user is read by VEGA that provides the following steps:

  1. if you sent two separated files, VEGA creates the complex keeping the original atom coordinates, otherwise if you sent a whole file, VEGA detects the molecules and if there are more than two molecules, it will consider as ligand the molecule number indicated in the specific field;
  2. atomic charges attribution (optional);
  3. evaluation of the scores selected by the user.



  • This service doesn't perform docking calculations.

  • The input structures must have the hydrogens.

  • For better results, submit structures optimized by a molecular mechanics software (Amber, Charmm, Gromacs, NAMD, etc).


3. Output file format

The file generated as output is in XML format and follows this scheme that highlights the meaning of each tag:

Configuration file


<score version="1.0">

Main tag:
- version -> Version number of file format.

<type id="SCORETYP" value="SCOREVAL">

Score section (one for each calculated score/energy type):
- id -> identification string (BROTO, BROTO2, BROTO3, BROTOF, CHARMM, CHARMM22, CHARMM36, CVFF, ELECT and ELECTDD).
- value -> total score/interaction energy.

      Score description

Score/energy type description.

    <atoms number="atmnum">

Begin of the section containing the contribution of each atom to the total score/energy.
- number -> number of the atoms in the complex.


Unformatted floating point numbers separated by one ore more spaces or by line feeds.


End of the atom contributions.

    <residues number="resnum">

Begin of the section containing the contribution of each residue to the total score/energy.
- number -> number of the residues in the complex.

      <residue name="resname"

In this section, there is one record for each residue in the complex. More in detail:
- name -> residue name (max. 4 characters).
- number -> residue number (max. 4 digits).
- chain -> chain id (1 character, * if the chain id is undefined).
- mol -> number of the molecule containing the residue.
- energy -> energy contribution of the residue.
The residues are sorted by energy.


End of residues section.


End of score/energy type section.

Here can be repeated the sections between type one time for each type of calculated score/energy.


End of Score XML file.




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