spc_4x4.gif (45 byte)
3.1 Data Interchange
spc_2x2.gif (43 byte)
grd_2.gif (669 byte)
spc_2x2.gif (43 byte)
grd_3.gif (736 byte)


VEGA was developed to create a bridge between most of the molecular software packages, like BioDock (4), Quanta/CHARMm, Insight II, MoPac, etc. VEGA is written in high portable code (standard C language) and can be executed on a lot of hardware systems simply recompiling the source code. The algorithm of file conversion can be schematized by the following chart:

Main flow chart


VEGA can manage indifferently packed and unpacked files thanks to the included Data De/compression Library, as shown in the following chart:


Data De/compression Library chart


VEGA includes also a graphic interface to control the MoPac calculations and thus MoPac 6 is included in the software package.

MoPac interface

The MoPac interface.

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