12.6 FAME - Prediction of metabolism sites


12.6.1 Introduction

This plug-in interfaces VEGA ZZ to FAME 2 and FAME 3 programs in order to perform the prediction of sites of metabolism (SOMs) of a given molecule or a set of molecules. The input can be the molecule in the current workspace (in this case the SOMs are shown directly on the structure as transparent yellow spheres) or as file in SDF format (FAME 2 and 3) or as text file with the SMILES string and the name (only FAME 3). Both SD and text files can contain more than one molecule.


12.6.2 Requirements

Here are shown the hardware and software requirements. Hardware requirements

FAME 2 and FAME 3 requires respectively at least 2 and 12 Gb of physical memory. Software requirements

FAME plug-in requires VEGA ZZ 3.2.0 or greater that must be pre-installed before the plug-in setup.
FAME 2 and FAME 3 programs require the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and all dependencies are provided in the package. Since FAME 3 requires more than 4 Gb of address space, to run it the 64 bit version of JRE is needed.


12.6.3 The plug-in Installation

The FAME plug-in is not included in the standard VEGA ZZ package and is provided as separated setup. In detail, there are two possible setup files:




where X.X.X.X is the VEGA ZZ version. The former is freely available and includes only FAME 2, while the latter includes both FAME 2 and 3 and is available on request. Before to run the plug-in setup, you must download and install VEGA ZZ. Usage

To show the plug-in window, you must select Calculation FAME in VEGA ZZ main menu. The plug-in recognizes automatically if FAME 2 or 3 or both are installed, allowing you to select the program for a specific kind of prediction (see Engine filed). In particular, FAME 2 recognizes only the sites of oxidation in which the cytochrome P450 is involved, while FAME 3 predicts sites in which phase 1 and/or phase 2 metabolic reactions are involved.

FAME main window

In the Model field, you can select the model for the prediction, according to the following table:

FAME version Model Default Description
2 circCDK_ATF_1 Y Offer the best trade-off between generalization and accuracy.  It is based on the atom itself and its immediate neighbours (atoms at most one bond away).
2 circCDK_4 N One of the simpler model found to have comparable performance to the other ones.
2 circCDK_ATF_6 N Give the best average performance during the independent test set validation as performed in the FAME 2 paper or (circCDK_ATF_1 and circCDK_4).
3 P1+P2 Y Predict both phase 1 and phase 2 SOMs.
3 P1 N Predict phase 1 SOMs.
3 P2 N Predict phase 2 SOMs,

By default, the plug-in performs the prediction of SOMs of the molecule in the current VEGA ZZ workspace, but you can use a file as input checking External input file and selecting a SDF or SMILES file (SMILES files are supported only by FAME 3), which can contain one or more molecules. Checking Output directory and selecting it, you can indicate where to save the output files, otherwise they are stored in a temporary  directory and deleted at end of the calculation. Checking Save log file, you can specify the file to which the FAME text output is saved.  When you check Save CSV files, the used descriptors and the prediction are saved in CSV format and you can decide to fix them according the localization settings by checking Fix CSV files. When you have to process a large number of molecules and you want to discard HTML files and the data of non-SOM atoms, you can check Reduce the output. In this way, only one file is saved (sites.csv).
To revert to the default settings, you can click the Default button and to start the prediction, you must click the Predict button. FAME 3 specific options

Here are explained the functions implemented only in FAME 3. In particular, the Circular desc. depth gadget allows you to choose between 2 and 5 as circular descriptor bond depth, which is the maximum number of layers to consider in atom type fingerprints and circular descriptors. The best results can be achieved with the default bond depth of 5, but in some cases the lower complexity model (2) could give better results especially if the FAMEscores are low. The Decision threshold, which must be in the range from 0 to 1, defines the decision threshold for the model. If you set it to Model, for the default value for the selected model is used. Checking Don't use the applicability domain model, the model to evaluate the applicability domain is switched off, the FAMEscore is not calculated and the prediction becomes faster. Finally, you can set the number of CPU cores/threads that are used for the calculation (Threads field). You can appreciate the FAME 3 parallelism only if you perform the prediction for more than one molecule.


12.6.4 FAME 3

This program attempts to predict sites of metabolism for the supplied chemical compounds. It is based on extra trees classifier trained for prediction of both phase I and phase II SOMs from the MetaQSAR database. It contains  a combined phase I and phase II (P1+P2) model as well as separate phase I (P1) and phase II (P2) models. For more details on the FAME 3 method, see the FAME 3 [1] and MetaQSAR [2] publications:

  1.  Martin Šícho, Conrad Stork, Angelica Mazzolari, Christina de Bruyn Kops, Alessandro Pedretti, Bernard Testa, Giulio Vistoli, Daniel Svozil, and Johannes Kirchmair
    "FAME 3: Predicting the Sites of Metabolism in Synthetic Compounds and Natural Products for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Metabolic Enzymes"
    Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Just Accepted Manuscript
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00376


  2. Alessandro Pedretti, Angelica Mazzolari, Giulio Vistoli, and Bernard Testa
    "MetaQSAR: An Integrated Database Engine to Manage and Analyze Metabolic Data"
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 61 (3), 1019-1030.
    DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01473 Installation

The installation of FAME 3 is not required because it is included in the plug-in setup. This section shows the installation of the command line version on other systems starting from a tar archive or the ...\VEGAZZ\ Fame 3 directory.

To install FAME 3, you must unpack the distribution archive:

tar -xzf fame3-${version}-bin.tar.gz ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}

alternatively, you can copy the "Fame 3" directory, which you can find in VEGA ZZ home folder to the your preferred installation directory.

On Linux and Macintosh platforms, running the program is easy since you can use the shell script provided in the installation directory:

cd ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}/fame3

You can also add ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR} to the $PATH environment variable to have universal access:


To run FAME 3 on Linux and Macintosh, just type:

fame3 [OPTIONS]

On other platforms (e.g. Windows), you will have to run the java package explicitly:

java -Xmx16g -jar ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}\fame3.jar

Since the unpacked model takes several memory, the -Xms16g flag is necessary, overriding the default java options. Command-line usage

If you run FAME 3 with the -h option, this help message is shown:

usage: fame3 [-h] [--version] [-m {P1+P2,P1,P2}] [-r PROCESSORS] [-d {2,5}]
             [-s [SMILES [SMILES ...]]] [-n [NAMES [NAMES ...]]]
             [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-p] [-c] [-t DECISION_THRESHOLD] [-a]
             [FILE [FILE ...]]

This is FAME 3  [1].  It  is  a  collection  of  machine learning models to
predict  sites  of  metabolism  (SOMs)   for  supplied  chemical  compounds
(supplied as SMILES or in an SDF file).
FAME 3 includes a combined model  ("P1+P2")  for  phase I and phase II SOMs
and also separate phase I and phase II  models ("P1" and "P2"). It is based
on extra trees classifiers trained  for regioselectivity prediction on data
from the MetaQSAR database [2].Feel free to  take a look at the README.html
file for usage examples.

1. FAME 3: Predicting the  Sites  of  Metabolism in Synthetic Compounds and
Natural Products for Phase 1 and Phase 2 Metabolic Enzymes
Martin čÝcho, Conrad Stork,  Angelica  Mazzolari,  Christina de Bruyn Kops,
Alessandro Pedretti, Bernard  Testa,  Giulio  Vistoli,  Daniel  Svozil, and
Johannes Kirchmair
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Just Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b00376

2. MetaQSAR: An Integrated Database Engine  to Manage and Analyze Metabolic
Alessandro Pedretti, Angelica Mazzolari, Giulio Vistoli, and Bernard Testa
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2018 61 (3), 1019-1030
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.7b01473

positional arguments:
  FILE                   One or more files  with  the compounds to predict.
                         FAME 3 currently  supports  SDF  files  and SMILES
                         files.In order  for  a  file  to  be  parsed  as a
                         SMILES file,  it  needs  to  have  the  ".smi"file
                         extension. Files with  a  different extension will
                         be parsed as an SDF.The  file can contain multiple
                         All  molecules  should   be   neutral   (with  the
                         exception of tertiary ammonium)  and have explicit
                         hydrogens added prior  to  modelling.  However, if
                         there are  missing  hydrogens,  the  software will
                         try  to   add   them   automatically.  Calculating
                         spatial coordinates of atoms  is not necessary.The
                         compounds will be assigned  a  generic name if the
                         name cannot be determined from the file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --version              Show program version.
  -m {P1+P2,P1,P2}, --model {P1+P2,P1,P2}
                         Model  to  use  to  generate  predictions.  Select
                         P1+P2 to predict both phase  I  and phase II SOMs.
                         Select P1 to predict  phase  I  only. Select P2 to
                         predict phase II only. (default: P1+P2)
  -r PROCESSORS, --processors PROCESSORS
                         Maximum number of  CPUs  the  program  should use.
                         Set to 0 to use all available CPUs. (default: 0)
  -d {2,5}, --depth {2,5}
                         The circular  descriptor  bond  depth.  It  is the
                         maximum number of layers to  consider in atom type
                         fingerprints  and  circular  descriptors.  Optimal
                         results should be achieved  with  the default bond
                         depth of  5.  However,  in  some  cases  the lower
                         complexity  model   could   be   more  successful,
                         especially if FAMEscores are low. (default: 5)
  -s [SMILES [SMILES ...]], --smiles [SMILES [SMILES ...]]
                         One or more  SMILES  strings  of  the compounds to
                         All  molecules  should   be   neutral   (with  the
                         exception of tertiary ammonium)  and have explicit
                         hydrogens added prior  to  modelling.  However, if
                         there are  missing  hydrogens,  the  software will
                         try  to   add   them   automatically.  Calculating
                         spatial coordinates of atoms is not necessary.
  -n [NAMES [NAMES ...]], --names [NAMES [NAMES ...]]
                         Use this parameter to  provide names for compounds
                         submitted  as   SMILES   strings.The   number   of
                         provided names needs to be  the same as the number
                         of provided SMILES strings.
                         Path  to  the  output  directory.  If  it  doesn't
                         exist,   it    will    be    created.    (default:
  -p, --depict-png       Generates  depictions   of   molecules   with  the
                         predicted  sites  highlighted  as   PNG  files  in
                         addition to the HTML output. (default: false)
  -c, --output-csv       Saves calculated  descriptors  and  predictions to
                         CSV files. (default: false)
                         Define the decision threshold for  the model (0 to
                         1). Use "model" for  the  default model threshold.
                         (default: model)
  -a, --no-app-domain    Do  not  use   the   applicability  domain  model.
                         FAMEscore values will not  be  calculated, but the
                         predictions will be faster. (default: false)

12.6.5 FAME 2

This program attempts to predict sites of metabolism for supplied chemical compounds. It includes extra trees models for regioselectivity prediction of some cytochrome P450 isoforms. For more information on the method implemented in FAME 2, see the following publication:

Martin Šícho, Christina de Bruyn Kops, Conrad Stork, Daniel Svozil, Johannes Kirchmair
"FAME 2: Simple and Effective Machine Learning Model of Cytochrome P450 Regioselectivity"
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2017, 57 (8), 1832-1846.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.7b00250 Installation

As for FAME 3, the installation of FAME 2 is not required because it is included in the plug-in setup. This section shows the installation of the command line version on other systems starting from a tar archive or the ...\VEGAZZ\ Fame 2 directory.

To install FAME 2, you must unpack the distrubution archive:

tar -xzf fame3-${version}-bin.tar.gz ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}

alternatively, you can copy the "Fame 3" directory, which you can find in VEGA ZZ home folder to the your preferred installation directory.

On the Linux and Macintosh platforms, running the program is easy since you can use the shell script provided in the installation directory:

cd ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}/fame2

You can also add ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR} to the $PATH environment variable to have universal access:


To run FAME 2 on Linux and Macintosh, just type:

fame2 [OPTIONS]

On other platforms (e.g. Windows), you will have to run the java package explicitly:

java -Xms1024m -jar ${YOUR_INSTALL_DIR}\fame2.jar

Since the unpacked model takes quite a bit of memory, the -Xms1024m flag is necessary, overriding the default java options. Command-line usage

If you run FAME 2 with the -h option, this help message is shown:

usage: fame2 [-h] [--version] [-m {circCDK_ATF_1,circCDK_4,circCDK_ATF_6}]
             [-s [SMILES [SMILES ...]]] [-o OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] [-p] [-c]
             [FILE [FILE ...]]

This is fame2. It  attempts  to  predict  sites  of metabolism for supplied
chemical compounds. It  includes  extra  trees  models for regioselectivity
prediction of some cytochrome P450 isoforms.

positional arguments:
  FILE                   One or more SDF  files  with compounds to predict.
                         One SDF can contain multiple compounds.
                         All molecules should be  neutral and have explicit
                         hydrogens added prior to  modelling.  If there are
                         still missing hydrogens, the  software will try to
                         add   them    automatically.Calculating    spatial
                         coordinates of atoms is not necessary.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --version              Show program version.
  -m {circCDK_ATF_1,circCDK_4,circCDK_ATF_6}, --model {circCDK_ATF_1,circCDK_4,circCDK_ATF_6}
                         Model to use to generate predictions.
                         Either   the   model   with   the   best   average
                         performance    ('circCDK_ATF_6')     during    the
                         independent test set  validation  as  performed in
                         the original paper or  one  of  the simpler models
                         that were  found  to  have  comparable performance
                         ('circCDK_ATF_1'     and     'circCDK_4').     The
                         'circCDK_ATF_1' model is  selected  by  default as
                         it  is  expected  to   offer  the  best  trade-off
                         between generalization and accuracy.
                         The number  after  the  model  code  indicates how
                         wide the encodedenvironment  of  an  atom  is. For
                         example, the default  'circCDK_ATF_1'  is  a model
                         based  on  the  atom   itself  and  its  immediate
                         neighbors  (atoms   at   most   one   bond  away).
                         (default: circCDK_ATF_1)
  -s [SMILES [SMILES ...]], --smiles [SMILES [SMILES ...]]
                         One  or  more  SMILES   strings  of  compounds  to
                         All molecules should be  neutral and have explicit
                         hydrogens added prior to  modelling.  If there are
                         still missing hydrogens, the  software will try to
                         add them automatically.
                         The path to the  output  directory.  If it doesn't
                         exist, it will be created. (default: fame_results)
  -p, --depict-png       Generates  depictions   of   molecules   with  the
                         predicted  sites  highlighted  as   PNG  files  in
                         addition to the HTML output. (default: false)
  -c, --output-csv       Saves calculated  descriptors  and  predictions to
                         CSV files. (default: false) Examples

If you want to perform the prediction for a single molecule, which must be in SDF format, you must type in the command prompt:

fame2 -o test_predictions tamoxifen.sdf

where test_predictions is the directory in which the output files are saved and tamoxifen.sdf is the input file including the structure of the molecule that can be 2D or 3D. You must remember that the molecule must have explicit hydrogens and must be in neutral form whit the exception of the quaternary nitrogens. 

The program also accepts also SMILES strings as input:

fame2 -o "test_predictions" -s CCO c1ccccc1C

This creates the test_predictions folder in the current directory which contains the output files for each analyzed compound.


12.6.6 Copyright and disclaimers

The FAME software is based on a number of third-party dependencies that are listed in the NOTICE document, which also includes their licensing information and links to web sites where original copies of the software can be obtained. The source code of the third-party libraries was not modified with the important exceptions of the SMARTCyp software and some classes from the WEKA machine learning library (version 3.8).
The SMARTCyp code was slightly adapted  in order to work well with the FAME 3 software and the changes are tracked in  the publicly available source code repository.
From the WEKA library, only the LinearNNSearch class was modified for thread safety.
The SMARTCyp code was obtained through the SMARTCyp web site mentioned in the original publication.
The source files to be modified from the WEKA library were obtained from GitHub.


FAME 2 and FAME 3
are pieces of software developed in 2017-2021
by Martin Šícho & Johannes Kirchmair
All rights reserved.

Martin Šícho

Z-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology
Laboratory of Informatics and Chemistry,
Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic
E-mail: martin.sicho@vscht.cz

Johannes Kirchmair
Universität Hamburg,
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science, Center for Bioinformatics
Hamburg, 20146, Germany
E-Mail: kirchmair@zbh.uni-hamburg.de


Click here to read the complete FAME license.


FAME plug-in for VEGA ZZ
is a software developed in 2018-2021
by Alessandro Pedretti & Giulio Vistoli
All rights reserved.

Alessandro Pedretti
Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Facoltŕ di Scienze del Farmaco
Universitŕ degli Studi di Milano
Via Luigi Mangiagalli, 25
I-20133 Milano - Italy
E-Mail: info@vegazz.net


Click here to read the complete VEGA ZZ license.