7.4 Molecule colors

The color of visualized atoms can be changed selecting the items in View Color menu (click here for more information). The coloring methods are:

Color by atom
Color by atom
(white = hydrogen, green = carbon, red = oxygen, blue = nitrogen, yellow = sulfur, cyan = fluorine, magenta = chlorine or unknown atom, orange = bromine, violet = iodine).
Color by residue
Color by residue
Color by chain
Color by chain
Color by segment
A different color is selected for each segment (e.g. protein, water, ligand) in the molecule or assembly.
Color by segment
Color by molecule
   Color by molecule
Color by H-Bond
It colors the H-bond acceptor (blue) and donor (magenta) atoms.   
Color by H-bond
Color by charge
   Color by charge
The color ramp indicates the more negative (blue) and the more positive (red).
Color by constraint 
It colors the molecule by constraint: blue fixed, green freed.
Color by constraint


If you want to change the color schemes, you must use Color settings dialog. Using the View Color Selection menu item, it's possible to choose the color of the visible atoms from the color table, as shown below:


Color table


To apply the color changes, you must click Ok button or double click the color box.