10.3 Preferences

The VEGA ZZ main settings can be changed by the dialog box that can be shown selecting Tools Preferences menu item. The parameters are automatically saved closing the software in ..\Vega\Config  directory creating a glprefs.n file where n is the user name and the number of the current session/port. Some settings require to restart the program showing  a request dialog window.
The settings are classified in Main, Glass windows, Energy, Surface and Misc and they are accessible in their specific tab:

Main tab   

10.3.1 Main settings

In this tab, you can change the GUI language. The Language field could be auto (automatic language selection), english (built-in) and italiano. Any other language could be used if it's correctly installed in ...\VEGA ZZ\Locale directory. For more information about the language translation, see language localization appendix.
Checking/unchecking the Use sound effects, you can enable/disable the sound effects played when a dialog window is shown or when a a calculation is finished.
Use the maximum number of CPUs is active only if more then one or a multi-core CPU is installed in the system. If it's checked, all system CPUs are used by VEGA ZZ otherwise it's possible to change the number of CPUs reserved to the software.
Clicking Default button, the parameters of this tab are reverted to default values.

The OpenCL device field allows to control the OpenCL acceleration: Accelerator  enables an accelerator card as IBM Cell Broadband Engine; Automatic detection scans all compatible devices and chooses the more suitable for your system; CPU enables the CPU emulation; Default select the default OpenCL device; GPU enables the GPU acceleration; Not used disables the OpenCL acceleration. For more information about the GPU acceleration, see the installation notes.


10.3.2 Glass windows settings

Checking Enable the glass windows, all windows appears transparent allowing to see the below layers. This option requires Windows 2000 or greater to work properly. With the above releases it doesn't have any effect. The Max. alpha slider sets the transparency (alpha bending) when the windows are active (0 = full transparent, 255 = full opaque). The Min. alpha slider sets the transparency when the windows aren't active (the windows don't receive the input focus). The Open alpha slider sets the starting transparency when a new window is open and the Fade time slider sets the time in ms for the animated fade-in and fade-out operations.
To revert to the default values of this tab, click the Default button.

   Glass windows tab
Energy tab  

10.3.3 Energy settings

In this tab, you can change the parameters used in non-bond energy evaluations (e.g. evaluation of the interactions) such as Dielectric constant, Cut-off distance, Energy threshold, and Max. contact distance. Clicking Default button, the energy parameters return to the default values.


10.3.4 Surface and volume settings

This tab allows to set the default parameters used in surface and volume calculations (e.g. MD analysis and surface visualization) such as the Probe radius, the Dot density and the Mesh size.
To revert to default values, click the Default button.

   Surface and volume settings
Miscellaneous settings   

10.3.5 Miscellaneous settings

Bond tolerance allows to change the overlap of covalent radii used in the connectivity calculation (for more information click here). Chart zoom factor changes the Graph Editor scale factor. Solvatation radius sets the default value of the radius used to solvate the molecules (see add solvent cluster). Mopac keywords field defines the default keywords used in Mopac calculations (see Mopac calculation).
Default button reverts to the default values.