Cross-platform language localization system
LocaleLib is a C library developed to translate the applications in some languages implementing the Locale Technology of AmigaOS. This method allows to translate the langauge strings without recompile the source code. A simply translation of a template text file and a conversion by th included utility is needed.
Included in this package:
- Percompiled libraries for Windows 32 bit (C/C++ Builder 6, Mingw32m RAD Studio XE), Windows 64 bit (Mingw64, Visual C), Irix, Linux 32 and 64 bit (gcc 4.6.3), Windows CE (Embedded Visual Tools).
- Sources and makefiles.
- A simple example.
- Documanetation.
- FlexCat catalog compiler.
System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7, SGI Irix, Linux, other Unix-like OS.
- A developer's kit to build C applications.
Click here to begin the download (~326 Kb)