Molecular dynamics of a non-peptidic molecule with NAMD


1. Introduction
2. What's you need
3. Ibuprofen - water preparation
4. PSF file creation
5. NAMD minimization
6. Heating
7. Molecular dynamics
8. How to make resident the new parameter file


1. Introduction

This tutorial explains how to perform the molecular dynamics of the ibuprofen - water system with NAMD. The ibuprofen is a non-peptidic molecule and so some potential parameters are missing in the standard CHARMM 22 force field. TYou can learn how to fix the missing force field parameters and how to run NAMD without the VEGA ZZ graphic interface.


2. What you need


3. Ibuprofen - water preparation

Hydrogen to remove

The hydrogen is now deleted.

Atoms to click

The bond will be changed from double to partial double.

Modified bonds


4. PSF file creation

The ibuprofen doesn't have a standard topology and so the PSF file creation isn't totally automatic because some parameters aren't included in the CHARMM22_PROT parameter file. For more details about the input files required by NAMD, see this tutorial.

Missing parameter table

It indicates all angles, bonds and torsions parameters not included in the force field. In this window you can put manually the parameters, but if you don't know them, you can ask to the program to complete them for you.
Click Edit -> Auto assign and the table will be filled. Please remember that this isn't a full exaustive approach and it can generate wrong parameters. To check them, you can click on the missing parameter in the table and the involved atoms are automatically highlighted in the workspace.


5. NAMD minimization

Before to start the molecular dynamics simulation, an energy minimization is required.

numsteps                5000
minimization            on
dielectric              1.0
coordinates             ibuprofen_wat.pdb
outputname              ibuprofen_wat_min
outputEnergies          1000
binaryoutput            no
DCDFreq                 1000
restartFreq             1000
structure               ibuprofen_wat.psf
paraTypeCharmm          on
parameters              par_all22_prot.inp
parameters              par_all22_vega.inp
parameters              ibuprofen_wat.inp
exclude                 scaled1-4
1-4scaling              1.0
switching               on
switchdist              8.0
cutoff                  12.0
pairlistdist            13.5
margin                  0.0
stepspercycle           20

Save the file with the ibuprofen_wat_min.namd name. This performs a 5000 steps conjugate gradients minimization, saving the output (coordinates and restart files) every 1000 iterations. For more information about the parameters, please consult the NAMD User Guide.

namd2 ibuprofen_wat_min.namd > ibuprofen_wat_min.out

and hit return. After few time the minimization is finish.


6. Heating

This is the first molecular dynamics phase required to set the atom velocities at the specified temperature.

numsteps		3000
dielectric              1.0
coordinates		ibuprofen_wat_min.pdb
temperature		0
seed			12345
outputname 		ibuprofen_wat_heat
outputEnergies  	1000
binaryoutput		yes
DCDFreq         	1000
restartFreq     	1000
timestep		1.0
nonbondedFreq   	1
fullElectFrequency 	1
structure               ibuprofen_wat.psf
paraTypeCharmm          on
parameters              par_all22_prot.inp
parameters              par_all22_vega.inp
parameters              ibuprofen_wat.inp
exclude			scaled1-4
1-4scaling		1.0
switching		on
switchdist		8.0
cutoff			12.0
pairlistdist		13.5
margin			0.0
stepspercycle   	20
langevin		on
langevinDamping		10
langevinTemp		300
langevinHydrogen	no
sphericalBC             on
sphericalBCCenter       0.0 0.0 0.0
sphericalBCr1           16.00
sphericalBCk1           2.00
namd2 ibuprofen_wat_heat.namd > ibuprofen_wat_heat.out

and hit return.


7. Molecular dynamics

At the heating end, you must prepare the MD input file.

firsttimestep           3000
numsteps		103000
dielectric              1.0
coordinates		ibuprofen_wat_min.pdb
bincoordinates          ibuprofen_wat_heat.coor
binvelocities           ibuprofen_wat_heat.vel
extendedsystem          ibuprofen_wat_heat.xsc
seed			12345
outputname 		ibuprofen_wat_dyn
outputEnergies  	1000
binaryoutput		yes
DCDFreq         	1000
restartFreq     	1000
timestep		1.0
nonbondedFreq   	1
fullElectFrequency 	1
structure               ibuprofen_wat.psf
paraTypeCharmm          on
parameters              par_all22_prot.inp
parameters              par_all22_vega.inp
parameters              ibuprofen_wat.inp
exclude			scaled1-4
1-4scaling		1.0
switching		on
switchdist		8.0
cutoff			12.0
pairlistdist		13.5
margin			0.0
stepspercycle   	20
langevin		on
langevinDamping		10
langevinTemp		300
langevinHydrogen	no
sphericalBC             on
sphericalBCCenter       0.0 0.0 0.0
sphericalBCr1           16.00
sphericalBCk1           2.00
namd2 ibuprofen_wat_dyn.namd > ibuprofen_wat_dyn.out

and hit return.


8. How to make resident the new parameter file

If you don't want reassign the parameters every time that you want perform the ibuprofen NAMD calculation, you can store them in VEGA ZZ.

* CHARMM 22 parameters file for VEGA ZZ
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_lipid.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_na.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_prot.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_vega.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_user.inp"
* CHARMM 22 parameters file for VEGA ZZ
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_lipid.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_na.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_prot.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_vega.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/par_all22_user.inp"
INCLUDE "Parameters/ibuprofen_wat.inp"

A better procedure, is to merge all user-defined parameters in the par_all22_user.inp that must be placed in the ...\VEGA ZZ\Data\Parameters directory. In this way, you mustn't edit the CHARMM22_PROT.inp file in the ...\VEGA ZZ\Data directory.

inpmerge "...\VEGA ZZ\Data\Parameters\par_all22_user.inp" "...\MyPath\ibuprofen_wat.inp"

where ...\VEGA ZZ is the VEGA ZZ installation path and the ...\MyPath is the full path of the ibuprofen_wat.inp file. For more information about the inpmerge utility, see its manual.


please remember that the INCLUDE command isn't implemented in NAMD and CHARMM, because they don't have a macro pre-processor. This is a feature available in VEGA ZZ only.